Meet and Greet Madness

This month’s Meet and Greet was hosted by Passport MINI of Montgomery County and though the day began with heavy showers, everyone had a great time!


Uh oh, not a great time to motor topless.

I met Melissa at her house so we could caravan up. Originally we’d planned to hit up a car wash on the way, but because of the heavy downpours we decided there wasn’t much point. We rolled into MINI and found a big crowd had already arrived!


Nick and Lt. Dan beat us there and they’d already been to Katie’s Cars and Coffee. #EarlyRisers

We met Lisa, who was new to the MINI family and a member of C3M.


Celia’s dad was handing out free t-shirts when we arrived #winning

Quitta arrived and we all chatted for a while.


Always fun to catch up with friends at the Meet and Greets!

Melissa and Quitta checked out the new JCW 5 door.


Melissa and I are going to get some lottery tickets now so she can have this new JCW 5 Door….

I found the new Paceman.


These new tail lights… Ugh! I am not a fan!

We wandered over to the parts department to say hi to Celia. She’d been in the back waiting for us to Periscope our visit. Sadly I had a weak signal. Thanks T Mobile. Celia told us the wifi password so Melissa and I both streamed a bit.



Then we wandered back to the parts department to browse through the MINI goods. Several people picked up some new MINI swag. We all realized it was close to lunch time and decided to have an impromptu After Burger. Since Dice Burger loves MINIs and the rain had stopped and we all love driving, we decided to head to Annandale.


I was in front of Nick so I didn’t get to see the flames that shoot out of his exhaust. Dammit.

Melissa led the way. I pulled out right behind her and the caravan was off!


Super excited to meet Lisa who was also adventurous enough to join us at the Dice Burger After Party!

Unfortunately, Melissa had avoided the Express Lanes since Nick doesn’t have an EZ Pass and Arnold Schwarzenegger got confused. Suddenly we were all weaving in and out of traffic and exiting the 495. We traveled around a few pothole laden roads and ended up on the 66 which took us back around to the 495. One of my favorite thing about MINI drivers is that we generally don’t get upset when the leader makes a wrong turn and we end up going the wrong way because MINI…


Lt Dan avoiding the potholes behind me!

When we finally arrived at Dice Burger, there was plenty of room to park.


MINIs love the Dice Burger!

They were really happy to see us, but wanted to know why Ali wasn’t with us! We ordered and got a table.They’ve added some new items to the menu, I got the shrimp sandwich.


Dice Burger’s new Shrimp Sandwich, which I highly recommend!

None of us were successful at rolling the dice for free burgers, but we didn’t care because the food was delicious and the company was outstanding!


I don’t know what Nick ordered but it looked delicious and it was nearly as big as he is!

Lisa asked about driving a MINI in the snow. Lt. Dan said he only drives his jeep in the winter and then told me about the Lava Jacket (which I am going to totally look into…)


Nobody was successful with the dice rolling today, but who cares! We had fun!

We also reminisced about our adventures on the Dragon. MINIs Slay the Sleeping Dragon is coming up this fall. Although I will be out of town and will have to miss it, it looks like a LOT of fun.

Eventually the party ended and we said out goodbyes until the event next weekend… MINIs at the Drive In!

About isherri

I'm a family engagement expert who travels for work and for pleasure. In fact, I’m half hippy, half clown, latte sipping, brunch munching, MINI driving, rabid social media enthusiast.
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2 Responses to Meet and Greet Madness

  1. Rita says:

    I think you have an ice blue convertible S and that’s how I found this blog. I LOVE IT and have blog envy! I live in Georgia and so enjoy your adventures. Thanks for inspiring and encouraging the MINI community. Motor on.


    • Hi Rita! I do have an ice blue convertible S with a denim top and since I added the daisy wheels I think it’s the most beautiful car in the world! (Though I completely understand when other ice blue convertible owners disagree 😉 Thank you so much for the kind words! I am about to draft a post about the DC Metro MINI excursion to the drive in (we saw Pixels last night) and next week I’m heading up to the MINI on the Mack event. I hope you can make it up there too, but if not be sure to follow the blog so you can read about our adventures!


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